Our Coaching Philosophy

The coaching staff and officials of FURNGATE YOUTH FC understand that children participate in football to have fun. If children don't have fun playing football then they soon loose interest and stop playing the beautiful game.


We never forget that a game of football is just that- a game, it's not about how many wins and losses are accumulated and it is surely not about how many trophies are collected and it's not about how many goals we score or concede. It's all about enjoying the game and at the same time learning and developing football and skills.

Proper football development requires that children play age appropriate activities so they are able to experience, comprehend, and execute the game as it relates to where they are at their own stage of physical and mental development.


It is about playing in different positions so the player learns all the skills necessary to develop in the game.

It's about receiving equal playing time, so the players are all given equal opportunity to learn.


It's about learning the techniques of the game through a variety of fun games where players have as much contact with the ball as possible and learn at their own rates.

Are you a player who is looking for a change?

Are you a player who is looking for a change?

Do you need more playing time than you would like?


Then Contact us.


For further details,

Please get in touch with Martin Brown


Interested in coaching a Team?

Are you good at offering clear guidance and support? 

Have you got some time to spare on a weekly basis?

Ever thought of training as a football coach?


We're looking for enthusiastic people to join our coaching team.     

If this interests you

Please get in touch to find out more.


Proud to Sponsor Local Youth Football

Furngate Youth FC

Further Inquires Contact: Raj Dhiman Chairman

Mobile: 0774-7616-361

email us:  rajkdh@aol.com