Club Officials:


Chair Person Raj Dhiman

077 476 16361

Vice Chair Person Martin Brown

077 582 24398

Secretary & Treasurer Anne Truett

01293 454891 / 078 550 61676

Commercial/Fundraising Officer Anita Maddox

077 033 17128

Child Welfare Officer Anita Maddox

077 033 17128

Kit/Equipment Officer Martin Brown

077 582 24398

Fixtures Secretary Justin Holland

01293 427426 / 074 782 79020

Charter Standard Officer Raj Dhiman

01293 400194 / 077 476 16361

Head Groundsman Justin Holland

01293 427426 / 074 782 79020


1. The Club shall be called FURNGATE FC, hereafter to be referred to as The Club and shall be affiliated to the Sussex County Football Association.


2. Objectives: To foster and promote the sport of football for Boys and Girls providing opportunities for recreation and competition.


3. Officers: The Officers of the Club shall be Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer, Fixtures Secretary, Child Welfare Officer, Commercial/Fundraising Manager & Charter Standard Officer, Kit & Equipment Manager. All Officers shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting by the Parents/Guardians/Managers and shall serve one year with the option of continuing if re-elected.


4. Subscriptions: Each player will pay an Annual Subscription on registering at the start of the season. The amount, which is non-refundable, will be agreed annually by the Committee Officials and will be due and paid in full prior to the start of the season which will be deemed to be 1st June, payment can be made in instalments. Each player will pay a monthly fee, the level to be set by the Committee and paid direct into the Club Account. Any changes will be effective from 1st June. If a team decides to leave the Club for any reason, all monies owed to the Club must be paid in full. If a team folds then any team funds will be passed to the club,


5. General Committee: All affairs of The Club shall be controlled by the General Committee (including items not included in the Club rules) which consists of the Club Officials, Managers / Coaches and Parent Delegates. This Committee shall meet at agreed intervals but not less than four times a year. All Members’ are expected to attend at least 50% of the meetings. Any Members holding more than one position is only entitled to one vote. Should at any time, a vote be equal, the Chairperson will have a casting vote.


6. Accounts: Accurate accounts of the finances of The Club should be kept by the Treasurer. They should be available for inspection and audited by an independent person prior to the Annual General Meeting and updates provided at Committee Meetings. Bankers of The Club are National Westminster Bank, Crawley, West Sussex or whoever is decided by the Club Officers. Authorised signatories are the Chairperson and Secretary. The Club Officials can co-opt additional signatories should they deem it necessary. If a team has their own team account it is recommended that it has two non-related persons who have access. Each team must provide a bank statement quarterly, or as requested, to the Treasurer.


7. Payments: All purchases in excess of £250 made must be approved by 2 members of the Committee. Any purchases made by individual teams must be approved by the Committee prior to purchase if claims for reimbursement are going to be made. Any claims for reimbursement must be made within 60 days, no reimbursement will be given after this period. Any items not on the Minimum Equipment List will be the responsibility of the individual teams and the cost will not be recoverable from The Club.


8. Payment of Fines: All fines imposed must be paid promptly. All fines imposed on individual r Players/Managers or Coaches will be their own responsibility. Team fines will be paid by the club. In the event of a County issued fine not being paid, the Club will pay the fine and recover the money from the Player/Manager/Coach concerned. Any player who is fined will receive a “club suspension” and cannot take part in matches until fine has been paid. If payment is not received by the due date the fine will be doubled by the Club and the player will not be able to play in matches until the fine is settled, and their Registration Card should be returned to the Club Secretary


9. General Meetings: The Annual General Meeting of the Club shall be held after the 1st May and no later than 30th September each year. 14 days written notice, either by email or letter shall be given to every Parent/Guardian and will be sent to the address on the player’s registration form. Any items to be added to the Agenda, or nominations for Committee posts must be sent to the Club Secretary in writing, at least 7 days prior to the meeting. Any decisions made at the AGM shall be made by a majority vote. In the event of equal votes the Chairperson will provide an additional casting vote. A quorum for a General Meeting shall be 5% of members.

Special General Meeting: The Secretary, on receipt of a written request, signed by at least five Committee Members/Club Officials and /or Parents/Guardians, will convene a Meeting, and will only discuss the subject raised. Notice will be sent to the members of the Club giving at least 14 days of the date.


10. Registration Agreement: All Players completing the League and Club Registration Forms shall have been deemed to have accepted and agreed to and be bound by the Terms and Conditions laid down. Any players wishing to be “duel registered” (only permissible if different leagues) will be required to pay an additional £5 on top of the current Registration Fee. Players may only play one game in 24 hours. Younger players registering with the Club must be at least 5 years old by 31st December of the current season and therefore starting school in the September. Provision for younger than this age group can only be made if someone is volunteering to undertake responsibility for training and development of them


11. Presentation Night: At the end of the season a Presentation will be held, the venue to be decided by the Management Committee, at which Trophies will be presented. The Chairperson and Secretary will be the Trustees of these trophies. Player awards will only be presented to players who complete the season. Club shields will not be presented to any player known to be leaving the Club but will be still be engraved with the players name


12. Registering/Transferring from the Club: Any player wishing to withdraw or transfer from the Club may only do so once the Team Manager confirms that all outstanding monies have been paid and all items of Kit and equipment have been returned. Transfer forms can only be signed by the Secretary. This rule may only be waived under special circumstances as agreed by the Management Committee


13. Codes of Conduct: All Managers, Coaches, Players and Parents are required to abide by the Club “codes of conduct” copies of which are provided at the time of registration. The Club reserves the right to expel anyone not adhering to these codes.


14. Safeguarding: The club supports the FA Safeguarding Children policies and procedures and the Equality policies. The Club also has a zero tolerance in respect of bullying.


15. Equipment: The Club will ensure at the start of each season that each team will be in possession of a serviceable Kit (not necessarily brand new) for each player, and equipment as required. All items purchased by the Club will remain the property of the Club. This excludes any items purchased independently by the team. All Teams are expected to keep these items in good condition. Replacement items, when necessary will be supplied on receipt of the returned old ones. It is the responsibility of the individual teams to replace any lost items. No Kit or equipment should be purchased until agreed by the Kit & Equipment Manager.


16. First Aid: The Club requires each team to have a qualified First Aider at all games and be in possession of a fully stocked First Aid Kit. The Club will reimburse the cost for any Club Member to attend a recognised First Aid Course or Football Injuries Course.


18. Club Constitution: Any proposed alterations to the Club Constitution will be decided by the Committee and then submitted at the AGM or SGM for ratification


19. Insurance: The Club will hold a third-party liability insurance cover with minimum sum of £5,000,000. In addition the Club will also hold Accident Insurance for individual teams and players representing Furngate Youth FC.


20. Club Colours: The Club colours will be Black & White for the Home Kits and the Training/Away Kit will be as decided by the Committee, currently Blue. Rising Stars will wear Blue T Shirts, Black Shorts and Socks.


21. Training: All Managers/Coaches are expected to undertake the FA Level 1 coaching course, which is required by the County FA. Please refer to the Course Workshop document for payment details. It is a FA requirement is that we have a minimum of a level 1 coach for each team and the Club would assist with the cost of the course fee as detailed on the Furngate course booking document.

All adults working with the teams on a regular basis are required to complete a DBS check prior to working with the players and undertake the Safeguarding Children’s Workshop. The cost of these will be paid for by the Club.

It is the Manager’s responsibility to ensure that there is a FA qualified First Aider at matches and training sessions


22. Correspondence: The Secretary shall conduct all correspondence on behalf of the Club, including all correspondence with the Leagues and County, unless otherwise directed or where the matter falls into the jurisdiction of any other Management Committee Member. In these instances, the Secretary should be copied in. All Managers and Coaches are required to respond to any correspondence sent by letter, email or text within 3 days.


23. Dissolution: If at any General Meeting of the Club, a resolution be passed, calling for the dissolution of the Club, the Secretary shall immediately convene a Special General Meeting to be held not less than one month thereafter to discuss and vote on the resolution. If at that Special General Meeting, the resolution be carried by at least two thirds of the members present at the meeting, the General Committee shall there upon, or at a date as specified in the resolution, proceed to realise the assets of the Club and discharge all the debts and liabilities of the Club. Any remaining assets shall not be paid or distributed amongst the Members/Parents or Guardians, but shall be given or transferred to a Voluntary or Charitable Organisation having similar objectives to those of the Club. thanks for visiting our website. Anything that we can help you with? We'd love to hear from you, so send us a message or drop by in-store.

Are you a player who is looking for a change?

Are you a player who is looking for a change?

Do you need more playing time than you would like?


Then Contact us.


For further details,

Please get in touch with Martin Brown

Interested in coaching a Team?

Are you good at offering clear guidance and support? 

Have you got some time to spare on a weekly basis?

Ever thought of training as a football coach?


We're looking for enthusiastic people to join our coaching team.     

If this interests you

Please get in touch to find out more.


Proud to Sponsor Local Youth Football

Furngate Youth FC

Further Inquires Contact: Raj Dhiman Chairman

Mobile: 0774-7616-361

email us: